Near-IR Filters

Conventional charge-coupled device (CCD) and complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensors can exhibit near-infrared (IR) sensitivity from 700 nm to approximately 1,100 nm and can be converted to an inexpensive infrared (IR) imager with the use of a near-IR bandpass filter.

MidOpt® Near-IR range Filters provide excellent contrast in applications operating in the Near Infrared. These filters block visible spectrum (ambient) light, as well as long-wave infrared light. Only the selected wavelengths in the near infrared (NIR) range are transmitted to the sensor. 




NIR Bandpass Filters are great solution for working in specific NIR wavelength bands. This could be to match the transmission of NIR LED Light Sources while blocking visible and other ambient NIR wavelengths.

Part #DescriptionUseful Range
BP695Near-IR Bandpass680-720nm
BP735Near-IR Bandpass715-780nm
BP800Near-IR Bandpass745-950nm
BP810Near-IR Bandpass790-830nm
BP845Near-IR Bandpass830-865nm
BP850Near-IR Bandpass820-910nm
BP865Near-IR Bandpass840-880nm
BP880Near-IR Bandpass845-930nm
Bi750Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter740-765nm
Bi780Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter765-795nm
Bi808Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter798-820nm
Bi830Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter810-850nm
Bi832Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter822-846nm
Bi850Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter845-860nm
Bi880Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter870-890nm
Bi905Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter895-915nm
Bi940Near-IR Interference Bandpass Filter930-952nm



Longpass filters are frequently used as Visible Cut filters with CMOS and CCD cameras. This filters out the visible light while allowing the camera to image in any NIR wavelength.

Part:Description:Useful Range:
LP695Near-IR Longpass715-1100
LP715Near-IR Longpass730-1100
LP780Near-IR Longpass800-1100
LP800Near-IR Longpass820-1100
LP815Near-IR Longpass825-1100
LP830Near-IR Longpass845-1100
LP850Near-IR Longpass870-1100
LP920VIS Block Short-Wave Infrared Longpass Filter930-2300



The same optical filter technology as our Longpass series but on a more durable substrate. Great for use as a protective window for integration into camera, lighting, and system enclosures.

Part:Description:Useful Range:
AC685Acrylic Near-IR Longpass Filter710-1100
AC760Acrylic Near-IR Longpass Filter780-1100
AC800Acrylic Near-IR Longpass Filter815-1100
AC850Near-IR Longpass880-1100


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