#0A0038 BP250 Deep-to-Near-UV Bandpass Filter

The BP250 Near-UV Bandpass Filter for Machine Vision is a very broadband UV filter, mainly intended for deep-UV imaging. It is the only MidOpt UV filter available that offers excellent visible and near-IR blocking (≤0.1% abs. ≥400nm; ≤0.06% abs. ≥415nm), thus making it best suited to distinguish features or characteristics that are only visible under UV illumination.

Offered in a limited number of sizes, and not intended for use with standard CCD/CMOS cameras that do not image deep into the UV spectrum.

  • Useful Range : 240-260nm
  • FWHM : 45nm
  • Tolerance : +/- 10nm
  • Peak Transmission : ≥30%
  • Surface Quality : 80/50
  • Thickness : ≤3

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